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The Fitness Suite Re-Opening Statement

websitebuilder • 25 February 2021

Government announcement | Tuesday 23rd Feb 2021 | Our Plans to REOPEN...

Yesterday the government announced the dates that we can structure our re-opening. I’m pleased to say that we will be looking to set up our outdoor private one to one training area from the 29th of March and officially be back in doors from the 12th of April. We had great success with the gazebo and outdoor training last time and I can only imagine this time we will have an even better experience as we move closer in to spring.

The general consensus seems to be that this has been the hardest period of restrictions yet and we're inclined to agree. Hopefully this will now be a thing of the past as the vaccine continues to roll out offering more and more immunity. It has been a difficult year of highs and lows but we imagine and hope that in time we will be better for it, appreciating the little things in life, and stopping every now and then to talk a moment to reflect on the things that we are grateful for.

I do believe that the industry as a whole will be welcoming new faces, with new goals and a whole new consciousness around this vessel we call our bodies. So now I think is a good time as ever to start thinking about your goals…. 2021….. and what you would like to achieve here at The Fitness Suite.

I’d also once again like to take this time to thank you for your continued support. Through all of the anxiety and decision making as a business the one thing that has kept us motivated and optimistic is our clients, and the continued words of encouragement and support. 

Finally, we have recently launched our new website. It would be fantastic to get some testimonials from everybody to display on the website to help others understand a-bit more about the suite and the team. If you could consider writing one we would be very grateful.

We look forward to seeing you soon.
Chris, Harry, Regan and Luke.

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