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How Does Medication Affect Fat Loss

TFS • 15 August 2022

How Does Medication Affect Fat Loss

In many ways modern medicine is nothing short of miraculous and plays a large role in why life expectancy has risen significantly over the last century. Ailments that would previously have been fatal can often now be cured or at least managed with relatively simple medication in the form of a tablet, cream, capsule or patch and widespread immunization programs have served to eradicate some illness’ all together. 

Unfortunately though and as with many things in life, this can come with a cost attached and that’s often in the form of side effects.

The side effects of medication can be varied and range from mild to severe and are often well documented with the risks made clear to the user. A side effect that many are relatively unaware of however comes in the form of weight gain or even a hampered ability to metabolise fat.

Chief among the culprits that may carry this potential side effect is any medication or drug that is steroid based or has the potential to affect the endocrine system (hormones). This can include birth control.

Medication can affect the body’s metabolism, its hydration and electrolyte balance and change the way it processes or stores carbohydrates, lipids and amino acids sometimes even shifting the location of where fat or water is stored or retained with some steroid medication causing fat or water to accumulate in the face, hands and feet. They can also affect insulin sensitivity making cells more resistant to insulin hindering the way the body metabolises fat.

Some medication may also hamper our ability to lose weight by indirectly affecting how we feel. Changes to our appetite or mood can have a huge impact on how likely we are to exercise and control our diet accordingly and may hinder or stall our efforts all together. Relatively safe and simple medication has the potential to upset the stomach with ulcers being a potential side effect of ibuprofen among other anti-inflammatory drugs.

As stated initially the overwhelming opinion is that the advancement and accessibility of medicine has had an incredibly positive impact on the health and well-being of our species but as with many things in life there is a cautionary tale to tell. The longer we are exposed and the higher the dosage of any given medicine or drug, typically the more likely we are to incur side effects which can include a hampered ability to maintain bodyweight through conventional means such as diet and exercise. Recognition of this potential link is vital in managing expectations around why efforts may be falling short if medication is being used. In many circumstances ceasing the use of medication will not be a viable option but in some cases there may be an alternative route with a lower chance of potential side effects. 

If long term health and well-being are a key component of your life then it’s important to note that fat loss/weight loss is just a small portion of the extensive list of positive adaptations that can come from regular exercise and a balanced diet so even if the use of long term medication is unavoidable in your current situation and you suspect that this may be hindering your progress with weight loss rest assured that many other positive adaptations are undoubtedly taking place.

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